Balanced cables

Do different brands/levels of balanced XLR ended cables going to and from differentially balanced components make a difference?
Sometimes folks need to realize break-in can be used as an excuse for stuff which just does not work.
Half of break-in is people's ears getting acclimatized to the new and different--though not necessarily better--sound of a new component (and I include cables in the category of components).
The biggest load of hyperbole I ever came across years ago which I still laugh over today is how Harmonic Technologies would tout over their "cryogenic" process to their copper wire to preserve and prevent the crystal cell pattern from breaking up, preventing sonic degradation of the music signal passing through the wire. What a bundle of Barnum and Bailey snake oil. All the sheep bought into that like a moth hitting a light bulb.
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As fate would have it many if not most high end cable manufacturers employ cryogenics for their cables and power cords. They wouldn’t be able to compete otherwise. The really smart ones like Audioquest control wire directionality for cables and power cords, even stranded cords. The connectors are smoother after cryo, kinda like the way the finger action of cryod trumpet keys is a lot easier and smoother.