Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1

I am looking at these three possible speakers as replacements for my Magicos.

Gauder Acoustic Cassiano
Gamut RSi5
Marten Django XL

Does anybody have any input on any of these please?

Of the three you have listed, I have heard all three although NOT nearly within an acceptable time period. Different audio shows. Among them, I prefer the Martens. I value reasonably full range without brightness. It all depends though on your preferences and existing equipment. The Martens can sound pretty magical and are not a tough load for an amplifier. With that being said, its your money. If it were my money, and it was recently, none of those were (or would have been) on my short list including the Magicos. Horses for courses though. Good luck in the search.
A couple of Wilson Audio models, Focal Sopra. Wasn't always a fan of either brand but either I have come around or they have. LOL. Several factors were at play for me, I have a large volume room that is pretty hot, I don't listen at high volume levels and I like a certain sound that maybe others don't, who knows. The Focal Sopras are very nice, the Kantas are compelling as well, I just preferred Wilsons. Lets respect the thread though, back to the OP.
This would be much more effective if you'd let us know what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and what specifically you're looking to improve upon over the Magicos.