It's Simple

Cables have properties Inductance L, Resistance R and Capacitance C.
Ditto loudspeaker, connectors, electronics in and out. 

LRC are used to create filters aka Tone Controls.
Filters cause amplitude and phase changes.

Cascading LRC creates a very complex filter.

Another's opinion on a particular cable may not be valid unless they have a very similar system.
Watson, come here! I have just discovered a way to reduce PHLOGISTON in wires for a breakthrough in sound quality! Amazing, Sherlock! The Nobel Committee will be interested!
Breakthrough, hardly, been around for a long time. You should try it sometime.
OP. I will try to be neutral about this. Maybe, just maybe, you would have had half a chance if you, um, left off the last sentence. I don't know if you are new here, but if you are, welcome to this forum. You just got thrown to the lions......
Only the R (resistance) matters at audio frequencies (20 hz - 20 kHz). Thinner wire has more R - thicker wire has less R.  The L (inductance) and C (capacitance) of typical speaker wire are of too low a value to affect a music signal. Physics 101!
Physics 101?  Inductive reactance of 10ft (20ft both ways) gauge 14 cable at 20kHz is about 1 ohm.  Resistance of this cable is 0.05 ohm.