Looking for speaker suggestions

I am currently contemplating a speaker upgrade. I do very much like my current Shahinian Hawks and will most probably keep them in reserve, as I can always use the bottoms as a pair of subs. But I have listening more recently to a lot more Jazz and classic rock.

 I initially considered trying the Klipsch Heresy III’s again after owning the II’s years ago but from what I read they have not done away with the fatiguing factor that drove me from them initially. Although my system has changed dramatically since then also.

 I am thinking of keeping them used as you can usually end up with a speaker you can’t afford new that way, perhaps they are older technology but that is the tradeoff. Wilson Puppy could fit the bill, but condition is also a factor.

Listening room is dedicated, 15 x 25. Associated electronics, ARC LS27, Levinson 333, PS Audio Direct Stream, PS Memory Player and a Magnum Dynalab MD809

Budget, ideally around 5k but can go more for something exceptional (max 10k)


I have Klipsch Forte series I's and no fatigue at all. Yes there is a big difference from yours to mine. I also use Revel Performa3 F208 (not 206's). Love both of them and I listen to Jazz, contemporary roots country, 70's and 80's rock. Forte series 1's you can pick up @$700 or less. 
For $5k the Vandersteen 3a are amazing! Or if you need the aesthetics and an upgrade in capability the Treo’s are out of this world for $7500, not have amazing sound stage and full range for whatever you may be listening to.
In your range you could get a used pair of Vandersteen Quattro Wood and have a few bucks left over
new Treo CT, essentially same tweeter technology as the $62K flagship
i fit the fanboy bill but with other girlfriends...
i have a pair of Cornwalls nicely updated in the garage....
you should go listen for sure
there are some great dealers out there who carry a real mix of things
just listen long enough to get past wow and hi-fi and into the mystic....
i meant

I have new Forte III's and am very impressed. The best Klipsch speaker I have owned of 4 different pair. Never owned Heresy's but would like to some time. I agree, the Triton Series from GoldenEar are excellent and excel with jazz. Some find the ribbon tweeter a bit to diffuse, certainly not like a horn. I have owned both and prefer the dynamics of the horns I the newer Klipsch...