High-End Standmounts: KEF LS50W vs. NOLA Boxer II vs. Revel M106

Hi everyone.

I'm wondering which you'd give the nod to for:

- A small room 
- Pushing primarily vinyl (Planar 3), cd (OPPO 105), and TV
- Music comprising mainly rock and roll, orchestral classical, jazz and blues
- And, as necessary, a Sonneteer Alabaster 55wpc amplifier 

As for the LS50W, the promise of ridding myself of an amplifier is offset by (likely) having to get a phono stage.

Your general impressions would be greatly appreciated! 
Hi pupil,
   I currently own a pair of the Boxer 2's. I have not,however ,heard either of your other choices. All I can do is give you a brief rundown on the Boxers. I run them on a First Watt F5,a pair of Monarchy Audio SM70mkII's. The F5 is 25wpc class A,the Monarchy's 70wpc mono,also class A. My listening room is small,13x9x8ft. 
        I can not say enough good things about these speakers. They seem to do so many things so well. Most of my listening is on the quite side,as my wife goes to bed earlier than I do. Even at quiet volumes,under 55db,they still sound full bodied. Also,on occasion,I will get a chance to put them through their paces. Volume upwards of 90db. They can also rock when asked to do so. Very detailed,but not bright or fatiguing. They also provide tuneful,tight bass. But remember,they are standmounters,so don't expect to rattle the windows out of their frames. I also feel that the Nola's do a very good disappearing act, with very good imaging. I'm a big fan of 3D imaging!
         I hope this helps you a bit.
+1 for Vandersteen VLR.  A very underrated speaker that just may finally be getting its due.  IMO a whole lot more transparent and balanced.  Regards...
I recommend you take a look at the Boenicke W5 standmount. Links to reviews and details here: www.toetapaudio.com

check out the YouTube vids by US distributor Audio Prana.

Big, open, natural sound from a small speaker.
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you?  Tough to make recommendations without that info.