The Lyngdorf arrived this morning so straight to work it goes!
First thing was to run the Room Correction which is so easy to do you would be foolish to bypass this step, about 20 minutes to map as many different positions in your room as you care to with the supplied mike and stand.
After that I set up the names for my inputs and sensitivity and then it was time to rumble....but there was no rumble.
Instead with Room Correction engaged and in Focus mode( seated listening position) it was just good clean solid music, strong and defined bass but no bloat or boom at all.
Turning Room Correction off revealed a sound that although not terrible was definitely vastly inferior to my ears in the bass regions which is exactly where my setup and room has always suffered.
Of course it is early days as amp only has about 3 hours run time so sq will change but so far the Room Correction is doing everything I hoped it would for me.
To be continued.......