Nad M3 non repairable

Hi, dumb question , my Nad M3 has a blown power board, and parts are unavailable and the shop says it's not worth fixing. The case is beautiful and I hate to throw it away. What else could I do with it besides make a lamp?
My M3 had the exact same problem. Blown Power board, not repairable. Only it never made it to 10 years. It’s a beautiful piece. Huge heat sinks, velvety smooth volume control. 2x mono design, Extremely versitle crossover and sub out piece of garbage. A dealer near me warned me to stay away from NAD and I didn’t listen. The factory kept it for 6 months before telling me to pound sand.

If you’re thinking about buying NAD think again. They are trash and don’t back up their products. Other than this I have no strong feelings on the matter.
You could try making a post on social media. The more reasonable and fair you sound plus a plea for help to NAD, citing brand loyalty, could do the trick. They may reach out to you and offer a solution. 

Lenbrook is big and they could right this if they wanted to. 

I had an issue with a Creek integrated. I ended up contacting Mike Creek and he sold me a rare part from his private collection. It allowed me to salvage the unit and prevented a total loss. 

Im sorry to hear this. NAD makes great sounding gear. Some of their masters series stuff is superb and competes with far pricier stuff. I hope the company stands by its stuff. I like them. Sorry again. 
As I suspected then, anybody with an M3 is basically living on borrowed time.
Who is ever going to buy a used one knowing this bs?
Sorry for anybody who has spent good money and is now out of pocket and with a dead piece...
It does need to be made more public I agree but I doubt NAD will do diddley.
However it may protect some poor innocent parting with their hard earned
I have the M2 always worry about repairs because of its fancy schmancy design. Mine has gone back to Lenbrook twice. Lucky for me they still have parts and I live fairly close so I don't have to ship it there and back. Sorry to hear yours has given up the ghost. BTW I love my M2, it sounds great and the build quality of the Masters Series is superb.