Recievers, Pre amps and amps.

I am new to this turntable hookup.

I have a Thorens TD 166 MKII with a Magnepan Unitrac 1 tonearm.

I was looking at getting a Vintage receiver. But know I am wondering do I need a Pre amp and a amp.

I am not even sure how you would hook up a system like that.

Any info appreciated.

Magnepan Unitrac 1 is a low mass (7g effective mass) tonearm, work best with med-high compliance cartridge. I suggest you get a inexpensive MM cartridge to setup the turntable, make sure the table and arm are in good working order before you go any further.
A restored receiver would make a nice vintage system. Not all receivers have a phono input, so you would need a separate phonostage (phono preamp) that plugs into a line input.
I also suggest you start with a MM cartridge.

Don't buy a receiver until you know what speakers you want. The receiver has to have enough power to drive the speakers.
oregonpapa, Very Nice. So just so I understand this unit comes with Preamp and amp built in? It looks great although it is probably out of my price range at present. I have read about McIntosh, Great Reviews. Any other suggestions?