Interesting about the synchro-mesh ....
But, yes, I agree, "transports are not created equal".
My eyes were opened comparing the transport of a Simaudio CDP Equinox SE from about2008 to the new Oppo 95 I have purchased when the Oppo 95 came out with all the hype and hyperbole of neon signs.
I compared the transports of each. The Sim made the Oppo blush with humiliation. That is when I realized the Oppo does many things good, but nothing really great. You get what you pay for. I think the biggest differences are from the circuitry and power supplies within the CDP. Now, I will say, the Sim was about $2500 new, and the Oppo $1000 new. Again, you get what you pay for, but Sim is well-known for clean power with micro and macro dynamics .... after my transport test, I sold the Oppo and never looked back ...