Pass Labs XA25 amp?

Does anyone have this amp and can you please describe the sound? Have you heard it and and did you like it?


His amps are now getting on the low side (20-26db) of what used to be normal gain (28-32db).
Doing this he can utilise more of the gain that preamps have to offer, and maybe leave a gain stage out of the amp/s now.
This is good as the s/n ratio will be better, and your not throwing away the gain from the preamps.
Down side is, passive volume controls maybe won’t have enough volume for them, unless the source has more that the customary 2v output.

Cheers George
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The Six Moon website review on the XA25 was posted today and comes to the same conclusions that I did in my review.  Sarjan's review is fun and very detailed in a wonderful way and does compare the XA-30.8 with the XA25 in his system.  Take a look I think it a great read.
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