Thanks for the suggestions, folks.
lowrider57, the cables are all pretty good quality, including the one between the power supply and TT-PSU.
ozzy, the cart is a Rega Apheta 2 moving coil. I tried running a ground wire from the tonearm to the grounding terminal on the phone stage and only got more hum. I'm a little leery of flipping hot and neutral on the power supply but may give it a try if I can find a cheater.
lowrider57, the cables are all pretty good quality, including the one between the power supply and TT-PSU.
ozzy, the cart is a Rega Apheta 2 moving coil. I tried running a ground wire from the tonearm to the grounding terminal on the phone stage and only got more hum. I'm a little leery of flipping hot and neutral on the power supply but may give it a try if I can find a cheater.