How does a Transport effect sound?

hi guys,

Been wondering about this: How does a CD Transport effect sound?  Isn't it just reading the disc and sending the 1s and 0s to the DAC.  Shouldn't every transport sound the same?


What does jitter sound like? What is the actual auditory result?

There are several attributes, including:

1) unfocused instruments and vocalists - wider than natural would be

2) "fill", or echoes between instruments that is not actually present in the recording - some mistake this for ambience or "air"

3) a harder, more brittle sound that tends to be fatiguing over the long term

4) vocalists "S" sounds too hissy to be live

5) inability to distinguish the size and depth of the venue of the recording

6) halos around the instruments and vocalists

As for selling, I look at it like helping people understand and I also problem-solve. I also feel it is my job to dispel misinformation for my industry.   I don't always recommend my own products, unless I know they are the best solution.  I also recommend other products.  Just read all of my posts on all of the forums.  I spend a lot of time online helping, and as much as I like helping people, I also desire something in return.  The alternative is to give thousands each month to advertising and pass this cost on to my customers.  Do you really want to pay for advertising?  I don't.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

As for the timing of my product production, you need to understand that I wear a lot of hats.  I am essentially a one-man show here.  Because of this, my customers deal directly with me and I help them on an ongoing basis.  I also offer upgrades to most of my products over time, so they are not obsoleted.  My extended family sometimes interferes with my work.  Most of 2015 I was in another state remodeling my mother-in-laws house.  This was the timeframe of ozzys order, the end of 2015.  I had a lot of catch-up to do after 9 months away from the business.

I build everything to order, but I have boards in stock.  If I have a lot of orders backlogged, they are processed in order and this can cause wait-times for some customers.  If you ask about the lead-time, I will give you an honest prediction.  The majority of my customers are wiling to wait when I have a big backlog because my products are unique in the industry.  If you order a Ferrari, you will wait 2 years.

I recently received new speakers myself that I had on order for 3.5 years.  I waited 3.5 years for these.  I have them now and I'm glad I waited.  Sometimes the best things in life take time.  I have patience.  It's a good virtue to have.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Transports are NOT created equal due to differences in quality of the clocking, power supplies, and support circuitry.
-------> there are BIG differences in SQ amongst different transports

1. DEDICATED SimAudio CDP: excellent, clean clear dynamic sound with punch, fully fleshed out timbres/tones
2. DEDICATED Bel Canto CDT3: similar to the Sim above, but the sound is more like the Bel Canto house sound: clean and clear but slightly warm though highly resolving. just as dynamic as the Sim, but in a different way.
3. NON-DEDICATED Oppo 95: is the jack of all trades for $1000. IOWs, the transport electronics, power supply, clocks are much inferior to the Sim and Bel Canto above, who have DEDICATED electronics to do 1-2 things very well, rather than do several things .... mediocre like the Oppo. 

I have owned all these transports, fyi
Transports are NOT created equal due to differences in quality of the clocking, power supplies, and support circuitry.
-------> there are BIG differences in SQ amongst different transports

No argument here.  The thing that makes all transports equal is a good reclocker added to the transport.

The things that make the jitter different from all of these transports is differences in the oscillators, power supplies, power delivery, implementation and design.  It's the jitter that is different for these reasons.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

audioengr, Steve,

First off waiting 3.5 years for speakers is ridiculous and I don’t believe you.

Secondly, I read what you just posted and that is still no excuse for ignoring customers emails, phone calls and all the while you took my money up front with no means of communications for months. When I was finally able to talk to you, you were very RUDE like you had no time to deal with the little people.

Again I was hoping you have overcome those issues and now provide better customer service than you did for me. But, it looks like you still won’t accept your previous poor customer service, in your mind the customer is at fault.

Anyhow, you know how I feel and I hope others who deal with you do so with some skepticism.

and lets get back to the OP questions.

Transports IMHO are advantages because they specialize in one thing, sort of like having separate components instead of using a intergraded unit. With separation comes better power supply, less jitter, better isolation etc.


Again sorry I high jacked your posting.
