re capping

I hear the phrase 'recapping'. when do you know when you should 're cap' an amplifier? I have a McIntosh mc602 amp that sounds fine to me. I also have a McIntosh mx132 that works ok for me. I also have a bose 901 series 2 active equalizer that seems to work ok. the 'red' on light kinda flashes now and then. if my system sounds ok, should I worry about my units?
Transistor gear works and sounds best when left on 24/7. Electrolytic caps kept fully charged will function perfectly well and not degrade! Long periods of unuse are to be avoided. But they can often be restored by using a VARIAC to slowly ramp-up the AC voltage (over, say, 12 hours).
As an example: my Son of Ampzilla (circa 1977) is now going on its third year of daily use! Working perfectly well and sounding mighty fine! I bought it used with an unknown number of hours from the previous owner. Took a chance and plugged it straight into the AC line (would have been safer to use the VARIAC!). Worked fine, no problems! 
thanks roberjerman. but by keeping my units on 24/7, would'nt the bulbs burn out faster?