Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....

I surmise this discussion has been debated a fair amount but here goes....I'm searching for the "final" cd player. Red Book playback is important to me as I have an extensive cd collection and am not into computer based sound (yet). So, I don't mind grabbing and popping those silver disks into a player. What are my fellow Audiogoner's thoughts on a dedicated cd player vs. the universal (see Oppo) type of player? Does a one-box solution sacrifice some cd playback performance trying to be a jack of all trades? If so, can you hear that difference? Input and comments most appreciated!
@1graber2 The Mohican got very good reviews in one (or two?) of the mainstream mags, but so far I haven't come across a real live person (OK, r.l.p. on an internet forum) who owns it and wrote about it.  As a long-time, satisfied owner of a BCD-1, I'll likely get a '3 eventually.  (BTW, the Bryston '1 beat out a combo of Cambridge Audio transport+Schiit Gungnir [not multibit], that I had got as a possible replacement.  They went into the second system.)
@twoleftears , just so other readers know, the Hegel Mohican is a $4000 dedicated 16/44 only CDP.
I only heard the BCD once, but sounded great. I've kept an eye and ear out for them ever since and watched them advance to v3 as you mention. I also like that Bryston makes other supporting electronics, processors, and preamps, amps that allow an highway of proprietary electronics from Source/File/CD to amp. Providing synergy that I dont usually get with all my hobbyist mixing and matching of different types of gear: SS/tube/Class D and brands. 
...They eschewed a digital in, SACD capability, etc. etc., in order get Red Book as good as possible, which according to them isn't possible when you have to make other accommodations...

Schiit makes what can be inferred to be the same claim.
I believe the Mohican lists for 5K.  As they seem to be broadly comparable products, I believe the 1.5K premium puts the Hegel at something of a disadvantage, marketing-wise, to the Bryston.