1080P tv or Projector ???

I have a choice to make. Do I buy a Mitsubishi Diamond 73" TV with 1080P, or do I get a Yamaha DPX 1300 projector with a 100" screen. For reasons I won't go into now, I will pay almost equal price for either one. The Yamaha is 720P, not 1080P. My friend has assures me I will be much happier with the Yamaha. I will have Satelite, and Cable, both with High Def.
A very good Dvd player and also a Blue Ray player. I have a DVDO+ processor also. What will I want to watch all these sources on? Any informed responses will be greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
If your going to watch a lot of tv on it, I'd go with the TV...projector bulbs are not cheap.

If you don't care about bulb use ($$$)...easy, get a projector.

I watch normal tv on my rptv in the living room, movies, and special hi-def programs (mostly sports) in my audio room.

No one in my family would rather watch a good movie on the RPTV.

With what viewing distance? Sitting more than eight feet from a 73" TV won't produce a theatrical scale image.

With what level of light control? "black" can be no darker than the screen. You'll need blackout blinds to get decent black levels if you have windows.
My viewing habits are like Dave's. I now just use the projector weekends for movies;everythiong else on my Mits,65. ---Projectors just about demand,total darkness.
WARNING WILL ROBINSON!!......If you get the projector, you'll never go back to any kind of television set for watching movies again.
I watch a projector (123" screen) exclusively. It is ok with light in the room but great with darkened room. I only have two windows therefore it is easy to black out. I will never go back to a TV. Generally the projectors are cheaper, larger and have great picture quality. Mine is 1270x720 resolution. I may upgrade to higher resolution when blu rey or HD DVD is established and has more titles and when the price of the higher resolution machines come down in price. For current television I don't think you would see much difference with higher resolution. If I had a large amount of light coming into the room I might have a different perspective. See projectorcentral.com for much more information on the subject.