MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!

Vote please. Simply yes or no. Let’s get a handle on our collective thinking.
The discussions are getting nauseating. Intelligent(?) People are claiming that they can remove part of the music (digits), encode the result for transport over the net, then decode (reassemble) the digits remaining after transportation (reduced bits-only the unnecessary ones removed) to provide “Better” sound than the original recording.
If you feel this is truly about “better sound” - vote Yes.
If you feel this is just another effort by those involved to make money by helping the music industry milk it’s collection of music - vote no.
Lets know what we ‘goners’ think.
P.S. imho The “bandwidth” problem this is supposed to ‘help’ with will soon be nonexistent. Then this “process” will be a ‘solution’ to a non existing problem. I think it is truly a tempest in a teacup which a desperate industry would like to milk for all its worth, and forget once they can find a new way to dress the Emporer. Just my .02


Exactly.  EVERYTHING in the audio reproduction chain is lossless.  We pick our favorite flavors.
george, point taken. My very simple comparison method was streaming both MQA and non-MQA versions of the same album from Tidal through my Bluesound Node2. Not very scientific but the best I could do. Whatever they do, the music just sounds a little more detailed. Not saying night and day but incrementally better to my ears.  I do however agree this thread is a bit useless in terms of content (and context).
 I am assuming the post above mine is meant to say everything in the audio chain has losses, we choose our flavours.
My understanding is that MQA is more about copyright than it is about sound quality. The rip off companies wanna get back to protecting music so it can't be copied. 
@jon2020 that is an excellent article you linked above. Everybody should read it and in my opinion it lays it out clearly that MQA is crap.
Before anyone downloads the Aurender MQA software, you may like to consider whether you can switch in and out of the decoder at will to allow for comparison. At the moment, I don’t yet see that option. I can’tell be sure if "Enable MQA unfolding" is a pure switch in and out once the software is downloaded. This issue would be moot for MQA dac owners.

I have brought home a full MQA Meridian 808v6 player in the past for a home audition and comparing an MQA file played through it with a non-MQA version played through my Esoteric non-MQA dac, I found that the MQA file sounded softer and darker overall with significant blunting of transients.