re capping

I hear the phrase 'recapping'. when do you know when you should 're cap' an amplifier? I have a McIntosh mc602 amp that sounds fine to me. I also have a McIntosh mx132 that works ok for me. I also have a bose 901 series 2 active equalizer that seems to work ok. the 'red' on light kinda flashes now and then. if my system sounds ok, should I worry about my units?
Not really.  Replacing worn out electrolytic caps per manufacturer specification is very different than improving by finding "better" caps.  These "better" caps can, if not chosen carefully, not only make sound worse but also damage gear.
True that, but still related. I did not say 'the same', I merely said related. No degree or specific tack mentioned.
Why wouldn’t you “upgrade” when going through the trouble for a “recap”?
Is it possible to screw something up by replacing the old capacitors with a much better brand/model while keeping the same uF and voltage ratings?
It depends what do you mean by "much better".  Do you mean lower inductance, like slit foil caps, that are very expensive, or lower ESR caps that might cause rectifier damage?  When you recap 30 years later original capacitors don't exist anymore, but I would check their specifications and look for something similar and not the "best" available.