Integrated amp with HT bypass for Focal Electra 1008 Be


This is my first post here, so,, hello everyone ! :D

I recently acquired a pair of Focal Electra 1008 be bookshelf speakers. These are going to be used as Fronts of a 5.1 surround setup. I currently have them hooked up to a NAD 326bee. NAD's power amp input is connected to Denon X3400H AVR's pre outputs. AVR is driving the center and surround channels, sub is active (Dali IKON sub MK2). This setup is not very optimal, since I cannot take AVR out of equation, and I really don't trust AVR's DAC or pre amp section very much. I want to be able to use my home theater via AVR easily, while being able to use the Focal Electras for a good stereo music experience.

I read about integrated amps or preamps with HT Bypass feature, I believe one of those would fit my requirements very well. Current models I have in mind are:

1- Hegel H360, H300 or H160
2- Parasound Halo Integrated
3- Atoll IN300 or Atoll IN200SE
4- Cambridge Audio 851A or 840A
5- Marantz PM8005 or PM14S1

Cheapest items in that list are Marantz PM8005 and Atoll IN200SE. I was wondering if one of those would just work for me, or if I should go for Hegel H360? Any opinions of these amplifiers and how they would match with Focal Electra line, especially given that it has the beryllium tweeter units, would be highly appreciated! :D

I was initially quite excited about the Atoll IN200SE, since it has a true dual mono architecture. However, then I got to know that only way to shut it down is to flip the on/off switch on it's back. Turns out when device is on stand by, it is still using around 19 watts of power.

Parasound's sub management features are quite attractive as well. I guess I can have the same with others integrated amps that have pre out (my sub has separate LFE and L/R inputs).

Any suggestions or thoughts would be highly appreciated!

you write/review well. If you dig Jazz, Rock, Hard Rock and Pop, take the Anthem STR Integrated demo in mid April. I would be interested in reading your impressions in comparison to mine.
The new B.A.T. VK-3000SE could be on my radar providing I can find a demo?

Happy Listening!
@upscaleaudio I have been watching your videos about Primaluna ! Great stuff. :D I will try to get a demo of Primaluna somehow.

I listen to a big variety of music genres. I wonder how DiaLogue Premium does with more dynamic music styles such as Metal, Dubstep, etc.. Could my girlfriend open pop songs and enjoy it?

Another thing is, how often would I need to change the tubes if we assume 6-7 hours of usage per day (will be used as a HT amp via HT bypass quite often).

One last question: I never had a good experience with motorized potentiometers. Mainly because of never being able to set the volume to the setting I want at low volume levels. How logarithmic is the pot on DiaLogue Premium.
@jafant Well, thank you :D I listen to all genres more or less, as long as it sounds good to me :D Did you write your impressions down somewhere, I tried to find, but couldn't find it among your posts. Could you provide a link?

If I would purchase something before the Anthem STR demo possibility, I would probably skip the demo. Wouldn't want to fall in love with Anthem STR after I buy something else and regret my purchase forever :D
I wrote a brief on the STR over on the Thiel Owners thread under Speakers.
Check it out.

Happy Listening!
another plus on the Anthem STR.

But still liking my PrimaLume Intergrated HP w/ KT150 better.  and it has the HT PassThough.