What's your investment threshold?

This question only goes out to those like myself who enjoy the system gains running better cables bring.  Non-believers can save their money and comments for another thread.

Do you impose on yourself a percentage range for cable spending relative to other components?

Speaking for myself, I do consider cables to be a component decision worthy of budget, but I seem to have stayed in the 10-30% range of what I've spent on other components.  I can't see spending $1k for a cable on a $1k component for example.  I have spent $1,500 for speaker cables for a $6k amp.  That seems nearer the high end of my range but it still fits. 

I realized I haven't planned this as a hard rule, but that's kind of how this has worked out for me over time.  Anyone out there think a much higher percentage is justified?  I won't argue because these improvements are worth all the enjoyment you can get, so more power to you.

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Surely there's an underlying issue--or sense--of proportionality at work in much of this.  Perhaps--perhaps--plugging a 5K power cable into a 2.5K integrated would make it sing like never before, but then why not just buy a 6K integrated in the first place, and save some $$.  Ultimately, it all has to do with price-point scales within the different component categories.  What's the "right" percentage to drop on speaker cables driving, say,10K speakers.  1K? 2K? 3K?  Get much above that, and why not buy the next model up in the same speaker line, and run it with bang-for-the-buck cables.

jsm71, You call it an "investment" ???? Perhaps wife is reading :)

My wife is fully aware of my audio spending.  She doesn't share my hobby but knows it is important to me.  I've got a keeper.    
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