What a thread. I have sat back and read this thing more than a few times. I didn't want to post as I own the Quatro's and have owned the Treo's. Back in 1982, I was at Sound Unlimited and met Richard V for the first time. That was my store when I was stationed there with the US Navy. bought Stax's there and many other things for friends (Bruce still runs a great store folks). I wanted the 2's, but when it was time to purchase in 1990, I walked out of a Vandy deal with Proac's for many reasons.
When I went to a new store to get new Proac's, I walked out with Treo's. Upgraded from there once I was able to, but not after auditioning MANY other speakers. I'm blessed to have many shops and audiophiles locally.
Dave, I'm sorry, but your bias is sickening. It really is. You have passion and are a nice guy. For months you begged me, as you do others, to come audition the Paradigm 9's and your vaunted Legacy's in YOUR shop, wiht YOUR gear and YOUR rooms, that you told me are set up and sounding so much better than anyone else's. I did just that a few months ago. I like you, so I decided to not post what I heard and what you admitted I heard. I had another board member with me who heard the same things and hear you say the same thing.
They were both terrible. You then started to back track and blame the poor sound on a new, unbroken in DAC you had. That said, you had been pushing that DAC as a world class bargain as every piece in your house is (I honestly thought you had a retail shop and not the first floor of an old multi story house). The would have meant that the DAC was burned in already, but obviously not?? I just don't know what to believe anymore.
All I know is that I couldn't wait to stop listening as I had a real headache.
As for Vandersteen speakers, I can safely say that you have not heard them set up in MY house, nor the houses of anyone I know who owns them. Not the latest models. If you want to talk innovation, go ahead. Innovation is only as good as implementation. Richard is on the Mount Rushmore of speaker designers like Andrew Jones is. The thing is that Richard has refined and refined, redefined and implemented new materials to make world class speakers. Other's strive to sell the amount of speakers as the 2's, but that probably will never happen again. There is a reason they are still going strong and I mean strong after all these years.
I'm not here to debate you, just pointing out the facts that the speakers and gear you keep touting as the best and giant killers etc... in YOUR perfectly set up room all sounded terrible on the day I showed up to finally take your challenge. I even wanted to like them all as my friend knows. You are a nice guy who has passion, but your rants are tiresome.
I love Vandersteen, but I also like a well set up Maggie and I heard the newest and largest Harbeth signature addition in a crazy cool Eucalyptus Silver this past week and felt it was warm, luscious and highly listenable. It had a ton more detail than I expected. Is it harsh like the Legacy or Paradigm's? Not even close, but as least you can listen for more than 30 minutes without having to get up and away from teh music.
Some will chose your speakers and your gear, but after meeting you and taking your challenge, I read your posts and wonder where you are coming from. To me, it just seems like flavor of the month hype that you spew most of the time. Too bad, as you have some very good options, but they are lost as you use the net to sell your products. Be well and please don't take this as a personal attack. As I said, you care and are a nice guy. I really enjoyed meeting you. Maybe you can find another avenue to promote adn market yourself and your gear.