Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Lastly Ctstonner, like Tomic's comments about wine and music and Grgr4blu comments about nothing.

You are missing the point, this post is about Adantes speakers and finding compatible equipment with them.

Are you know going to tell us that the Naim Uniti gear isn't good, when the Nova for example is being raved reviewed all over the internet?

Please regale the reading public about what you have thought about these products. I am sure if you had heard the Adantes you wouldn't even give them a  decent  evaluation, because of course you would you would be thinking I can get a pair of 2Ci for that money and not looking for what each speaker does well and what they don't.

The difference between you and I is that we know who a product is good for and don't try fitting everyone into the same camp as well as see these products for what they are and if you also read the above posts we even mentioned the Adantes do have a peak. 

Ctstooner, keep your comments to about what is being discussed. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Post removed 
disclosure ?

i worked at 2 Audio retailers in North and Central Ohio starting in 1978 thru 1995, to make it easy to identify my alleged bias I will list as many of the speaker brands we carried:
Theil, Audio Analyst, Shahinian, Freid, KEF including all the reference series as well as all the kits and individual drivers, The Speaker Company kits - we had our own microcomputer based FFT and hired a few Phd / Faculty from OSU to help with crossover engineering..., Quad, Soundlab, Beveridge, Acoustat, Wilson, Infinity ( everything but the mighty IRS ), ADS, DCM, Apogee, and yes Vandersteen
7 showrooms on 3 floors when i left....

Dave, it's obvious that you can't converse in a thread like this.  Easy to start things, but you always feel attacked and you come back and make up things that someone said. 

I never said your bias is sickening.  Your words, but that's fine as you 'yell louder' in a thread and think it helps your case.  That's fine.  I'm biased to what I like.

Please stop making excuses Dave. I drove down there and went out of my way to give you a shot with those Paradigm's since you told me for months in these threads how great your's were compared to others.  I'm very glad I went and met you.  You're a nice guy and I meant that, but on these threads you come across as a bully to be honest.  If anyone says they don't like something you sell, you go nuts and tell us why we are wrong.  That's not way to sell Dave.  

The thing is that you are a dealer and you use AG to sell and nothing more.  That's the reality and everyone sees it.  I personally don't even care anymore, but most of us are just posting with other guys and gals (many of whom we have become friends with).  We all realize that we hear differently adn we also listen to tonally different music much of the time.  We share ideas in mostly civil ways as this is our outlet to vent and talk audio and music.  

I trust my ears and have purchased accordingly.  I know what I like and I don't listen to Johnny at Audio Connection or my friends at Take Five or Mike in Sarasota or Alan at Hifi Buys or Joe at Timbre in Houston (awesome new show room btw or the guys in Dallas who are Wilson dealers, but I've bought form them too or Bruce at Stereo Unlimited in SD.  I buy from a ton of dealers and have over the years.  I don't have a go to guy per say.  I will happily send friends to dealers I know if they are close and that includes dealers I've met and not purchased from.  Heck Dave, I'll still send guys to you if they have interest in your gear.  I like you, however I feel your attacks in the last two posts 

As for you telling me what and how I think, thanks.  I really appreciate that Dave.  Very professional and personable ;).  It looks like I got under your skin for some reason and that's too bad.  I have heard teh whole Elac line and spoken to a few dealer buddies about them along with their new electronics they purchased.  Intriguing.  Not all my friends like the Vandersteen sound. Many like a boom boom, sizzle, sizzle or a totally mid centric sound or something hot on top or something that only images and throws a huge stage and they don't care about other things. I gladly share my opinions and that's why I listen to as much gear as I'm able to and why I'm thankful many bring stuff to my house or send it my way for evals etc...I'm blessed adn have always felt that way.

As for 'Ctstooner, keep your comments to about what is being discussed.'.  I think you meant to keep my comments to what is being discussed.  I did that Dave.  You opened up a can of worms as you lost your temper and as I said, I couldn't just keep reading and not post.  Since you often take threads in a different direction while interjecting your other products while naming or two things you may not sell, I'm sure the rest of us get a bit of latitude, don't you think?  

I'll just wait for your extra long diatribe as I listen to a wonderfully set up system in a room that needs help with it's electrical, vibration control and a bit of resonance control.  I'm comfortable with where I'm at as the music still means more than the gear and the kinship from the boards means everything for me on days I can't leave the house.  I hope you are well and that the snow storm didn't knock out your power.  Pete