McIntosh MC501 or Audio Research DS450M for Magnepan 1.7

Dear all - Which amp should I choose for Magnepan 1.7: McIntosh MC501 or Audio Research DS450M?

Planning to use the McIntosh D150 if I go with The MC501 or Audio Research LS27 if I go with DS450M.

Thank you in advance!
@benagli1  I owned the ARC DS450M and my advice is that they are not a very musical amp. They provide tons of power but that’s about it. Beside that the hum caused by faulty transformer was a complete nightmare. IMHO solid state amps are just not ARC’s strength. 

Thank you very much for the info. This is very helpful for my decision.

I was heading the MC501 direction but saw a pair of ARC DS450M at a good price. 

I will buy the McIntosh MC501.

Do you guys see a problem if I use an ARC LS27 preamp with a MacIntosh amp?

Thanks again!

I believe those ARC amps have been listed here 2 or 3 times now. If I remember the Stereophile review, they insinuated they were more on the detail oriented analytical side. I went from Classe to Odyssey to Conrad-Johnson, Rogue, Parasound and now to Mac. There is nothing like a Mac, they are extremely musical, forgiving of lesser equipment, high resale value and they are very dependable. And those big blue meters are gorgeous.

The ARC preamp will mate very well with the ARC, Heard it in a buddys system and at a show.

Do you guys see a problem if I use an ARC LS27 with a Mcintosh amp?

I know of several who have used ARC with Mcintosh 501's.  The only question is the impedance match, Mac 501's are a low 10K and most tube preamp designers recommend 20K or higher, including ARC.

That's not to say it won't work, I have used CJ tubes with my 501's  and the sound has been excellent.  Just something to be aware of.....