give me your distance from it, and I will measure with my spl meter and post the number in an hour.
give me your distance from it, and I will measure with my spl meter and post the number in an hour.
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Harry - my timeter 3000 resides in the bowels of our basement in a corner. A lonely place. Every fall when listening season starts, I make my way down there. You know, I can swear I thought I saw a troll down there one year? So I have removed some of the insulation out of mine years ago. It is louder than normal, but this is not a problem due to the distance. If I hold the SPL meter 1 foot away from the box it says 68-70 db. • 10 dB: Normal breathing • 20 dB: Whispering from five feet away • 30 dB: Whispering nearby • 40 dB: Quiet library sounds • 50 dB: Refrigerator • 60 dB: Electric toothbrush • 70 dB: Washing machine • 80 dB: Alarm clock • 90 dB: Subway train • 100 dB: Factory machinery • 110 dB: Car horn • 120 dB: Ambulance siren ********************* Now @banquo363 posted db level using his 2000 Model Timeter It hasn't been bastardized like mine. from that link 1. in the same room, from 6ft away: 64dB 2. from the other side of the wall, with door closed: 52dB. 3. from my seat ~40ft away, I can't hear it at all. |
Harry - I understand. Something to consider if one has limited space, one floor. These units are highly mobile - like a serving cart as they are on wheels. One fellow I know keeps it covered with a vase/flower on top out of the way. When he uses it he rolls it to a corner room. He has the air tube line attached close to the wall board like the cable TV company line going to this room so his wife does not get upset. Hooks up the air line and plugs it into the AC. Then when done rolls it back out of the way and covers it up again. |
@vpi, I have my Jun-Air in my bedroom. Of coarse I’m divorced. As I imagine Jeff Foxworthy might say..."if you’re a real audiophile.. you’ll find a way to....." I live close enough to Elkin I could drive there, pick it up and feel good at the moment. My concern is, my history with Timeter. Well, my history with their distributors which, on my experience is who one has to deal with. I purchased one of their units...years ago. If I hadn’t paid with my credit card, given the resources the card provided me for recourse, I’d be out my initial product price and no further way to proceed. After around one year of (wrangling), I was sent a repair kit and was made good for any outlay I had incurred. It was a time consuming process and an unnecessary process for any customer with whom, a professional relationship was expected!!!!!!!!!! Years ago, I had to file a claim through my Visa card. With Timeter’s practices, that do not favor the customer. (I’ll pass). Love my Jun-Air and my Motorguard filter system. Stay away from Timeter! Your self-described laziness, well,, just doesn’t seem a good fit. |