Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?

After living with Kharma 3.2 and now 3.2.2 for 5 years with SS amplification, I am looking to try out a tube amp. My current amp is Goldmund Telos 400 (being put on sale on A’gon). My preamp is Vitus SL101. My room is 10’ x 14’. My source is a TW Acustic turntable. Current sound is fast, highly detailed, with great imaging. But on the dry and analytical side. I hope a tube amp can fill in some of the missing midrange harmonics and timbres, add bit more air and bloom. Add bit more flesh on the bones.
I am looking at SET amp and not sure which one will drive my 3.2.2 (90db, 3.5 – 4ohm) without giving me loose bass, and also not too much heat (considering my smallish room). I read Kharma 3.2 was voiced with Lamm (don’t know which model).
Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
I am using the Thor TPA 30 watt monos on the Kharma 1.0 ind a large room with no problems..I would think the TPA 30 Thor tube monos would work wonderfully in your medium size room..Great amps,,simple to use,sound great and are very synergistic with Kharma....A nice used unit on Audiogon from a former dealer of Thor.....
You pose a very good/well thought out question....To want to move to tubes,but "be aware" of the comfort level posed by tube heat!

I've been there,and done that,and definitely looked for a "tube toned" amp.Ultimately I settled for a highly modded Rowland,but I Definitely LOVE a good tube system!

My friend had the Kharma 1.0's.Very fine speaker,but his SS amplification also was too dry...on that bullet fast ceramic mid-driver.

Some friends related the sound like one was going to the dentist...for a drilling!Highly detailed,but annoying,in the long run....Yet the speaker surely could do better.So we always pushed him to go tubes.

Well,he decided to go to a smaller speaker,which worked with his amp/room volume.So,he sold the Kharma to a close friend,and "this" guy immediately knew it needed tubes.

Ultimately he(the new Kharma owner) got a very good Cary design(I don't know which one,but price was a big factor)...

The speaker now sounds fabulous!

I love the Kharma speakers,and have made it my business to hear a good portion of the line-up.On many occassions!

The "one thing" that really stands out is how good they sound with tube amplification.Even their own SS amp falls short,IMO!

Also,"definitely" and "consistently",the Lamm 2.1(yes,I believe it is 18 "BIG,BIG" sounding watts)is "THE" amp for Kharma designs......where the load is a good mating....

GOD I love that amp!!I have never heard a single occassion,on any speaker it was being used with,where this amp did not bowl me over!!...But it's not cheap.

I am always analyzing which amp I would use if my situation changed( sealed, dedicated room/heat issues) and I wanted to go back to a tube amp.So I like the idea of some of the open chassis designs(easy tube access)that don't have much "glass"!
Some not too expensive(but not cheap) contenders,that I like(only opinion)..With the Lamm 2.1 as KING....

Cary 805 anniversary edition,Cary 211 anniv(maybe too powerful),Dehavillend(spelling?),Wytech(very reliable),the Canary name only a few.

There is a wealth of very good contenders around and about,and I have probably forgotten just how many others I like,but if you follow the "tube/amp" threads you will pick up on this very quickly....

Good luck,with your great speaker