New Processor - HDMI Switching???

I am switching from a B & K 507 receiver to seperates in my home theater system. I just picked up an Arcam FMJ P7 amplifier, and have an Arcam FMJ AV-9 processor on order. My other gear includes:

Pioneer Elite 79AVi DVD Player
Sony Blu Ray Player
All Paradigm Speakers - Studio 100's
Velodyne SPL 12 Sub
Sony 1080P DLP Monitor

This will be my first experience utilizing a processor with HDMI switching capabilities. I understand the Arcam unit is of high quality and has good audio/video processors. If I route all of my video through the Arcam processor via HDMI (Pioneer DVD and Sony Blu Ray), does it utilize the Arcam processors and supercede the other units and televisions upconversion and processing? If this is the case will I get maximum picture quality and sound by doing this? Any other information to explain this process would be much appreciated. How do I get the best results from this setup?

I have always routed my players directly to the television via HDMI.

Any recommendations on high quality, moderate cost HDMI cables for the application?

Thanks for the input.
As far as a recommendation for high quality HDMI cables. I highly recommend the Better Cables Silver Serpent. I was using the Signal Cable HDMI and did not like my picture. The Silver Serent is stunning and also a giant killer at its price point.

I am using the video processor in my home theater receiver. I have the Onkyo TX- Sr875 with the Silicon Optix Reon processor. The pictur quality on my Sony XBR2 improved dramatically. I don't know what type of processor the Arcam uses, but I recommend at least trying it.

There is no video processing in the Arcam, only upconversion to HDMI, the signal passes through that is all.

The video circuitry in the Arcam is quite good so you need not worry about any degradation.

I have found the Audioquest line of HDMI cables to be very good.
The Arcam FMJ processors only do video switching and not processing or up/down converting. Ideally your dvd or blu-ray will send HDMI digital to the display and it will process the HDMI input to it native rez. Seems like a bad idea for the AV9 to convert from digital, process the video, convert back to digital, and then send it to the display to process again.