Michael Fremer's system

Do you agree with his choice ? What would you change ?



He most certainly did not.  He has paid for almost everything in his system.  Unlike Johnathan Valin who reviews the best stuff and keeps it on long term loans forever.  Where did you get that info from?

Frankly I don't really care, yeah he's not getting the best out of what he got but that's his perogative and choice.
If he reviews equipment in that room does that really negate the reviews? I dont think so. He is intimately familiar with what his own sounds like so he can easily determine a quality piece if it sounds good to him in the same environment.  If it sounds good there just think of how great it would be in a properly set up room. On the other hand that room would certainly bring out the crap from a component that was not up to participate in a terrible environment. 
Can't think of a better way to seperates the wheat from the chaff