Primaluna amp with Sonus Faber?

So I am planning my next major upgrade and while I originally wanted McIntosh 601s for my Sonus Faber Guarneri mementos I am looking in other directions.

Anyone have thoughts on the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP amp paired with above speakers?

I want separate amp and preamp so that is why I am not touching the integrate primaluna. As far as preamps go, I am still considering McIntosh, the C52, but may also look at other options.

Room size is medium-large most likely (try to guess on size as I will be moving in a year or so anyway). All opinions and thoughts appreciated!

I don’t see any reason why the combo of the C52 Mac and Prima amp should not sound wonderful. You could also consider the C47 preamp , if you don’t need the C52 equalizer and front meters.

I know some users are not fans of the Mac preamps , but having heard the C52 and C47 at my dealer, I beleive they of the best value preamps on market right now. Big bold rich sound, without being too rich, and very good resolution across the board, good dynamics and attack also without beiing the most pratty...

The SF’s have a bit of a nasty load around 124hz which is the bass power region, which is 4-5ohms and combined with -38 degrees of -phase shift as well. This "could" look as low as 2-3ohms to the amp.

I think to be safe and to get the very best from these speakers at that 124hz bass, this load is going to be handled better with the Mac 601’s

Cheers George
@georgehifi That is interesting. 

Can you explain in a in a little more detail. Does the primaluna amp have issues with high impendance loads?