scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
I can understand wanting objective, unbiased information about the sound of cables, or other equipment, before trying them for yourself. Unfortunately, it is scarce. This hobby is fundamentally a subjective one. It is ultimately about what YOU hear, in YOUR system.

There are areas of general agreement, but no one can tell you for sure what a particular product will sound like to your ears, in your system, or even if you will hear a difference at all. This means that there is an inherent element of risk. You do your research, read reviews and forum posts, talk to any friends or acquaintances who have experience with it, arrange to audition it somewhere, if possible/practical. Then, once you are reasonably assured that it is likely to make a positive difference in your system, you take the plunge.

At NASA there is a strict regulation to observe directionality of cables. Otherwise false discoveries could result like that at CERN where some neutrinos were faster than light.
Hi @nugat

And are the cables NASA uses where they must conform to strict regulation to observe directionality used as audio speaker wire?

Ehmm....I would hope people get the NASA joke. 
I asked a simple question in the beginning and people gave answers 
to questions I did not ask. Perhaps there   was never a scientific double blind test of audio cables conducted.  I learned here how flawed science is, even trying to find objective truth. Well, instead we have post-truth  tweeted  to the whole world. People have not only own opinions but also own facts. NASA never flew men to the Moon, BTW.

nugat OP
At NASA there is a strict regulation to observe directionality of cables. Otherwise
false discoveries could result like that at CERN where some neutrinos were faster than light.

The problem with the neutrinos was they went back in time and disappeared off the screen. Just like the De Lorean in Back to the Future. That’s how Superman saved Lois Lane, by racing around the Earth a bunch of times faster than the speed of light. Duh!
IMO, learning to navigate the often murky waters of reviews, subjective experiences & impressions, anecdotes etc., and find the bits & patterns relevant to your particular preferences, goals and situation, is an essential part of this hobby. Sometimes, whether you like it or not, they are all you have to work with.
The problem with the neutrinos was they went back in time and disappeared off the screen. Just like the De Lorean in Back to the Future. That’s how Superman saved Lois Lane, by racing around the Earth a bunch of times faster than the speed of light. Duh!


Are you sure you're not a Grateful Dead "Head"? You've obviously had way to much electric koolaid. :)