scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
IMO, learning to navigate the often murky waters of reviews, subjective experiences & impressions, anecdotes etc., and find the bits & patterns relevant to your particular preferences, goals and situation, is an essential part of this hobby. Sometimes, whether you like it or not, they are all you have to work with.
The problem with the neutrinos was they went back in time and disappeared off the screen. Just like the De Lorean in Back to the Future. That’s how Superman saved Lois Lane, by racing around the Earth a bunch of times faster than the speed of light. Duh!


Are you sure you're not a Grateful Dead "Head"? You've obviously had way to much electric koolaid. :)
Cables are not about soundwaves and hearing. Loudspeakers, rooms
and brain+ears are. Cables are about carrying voltage that tells loudspeakers how to move air. Amplifiers generate the voltage and cables are supposed to carry  it as faithfully as possible to transducers.
That process can be a subject of scientific research. What goes into the cable and what comes out. People and their ears are redundant here. Really nobody has done it in the whole world?
Yes, that kind of research has been done. Sorry I can't point you to anything specific off the top of my head. Some of it has been done by cable manufacturers, who may choose to keep it proprietary.
“People and their ears are redundant here”

That’s a peculiar statement, considering “people and their ears” are the whole point of the exercise. Say you run tests & measurements on a pair of speaker cables, and tell me they are passing the signal perfectly. I then put them in my system and live with them for a while. If my ears tell me something is not right, or they are not as good as what I was using, I’m going with my ears.