where best to spend $2-3000 upgrade dollars in my system

Looking for help/opinions on where to best spend upgrade dollars in my system and recommendations.

Here's my current set up:

Musical Fidelity A300CR dual mono power amp

Musical Fidelity A3.2CR dual mono preamp

Musical Fidelity A5 CD Player

Kyocera T910 digital tuner

VPI Aries Scout with Dynavector MC 2x20 cart

Klipsch Cornwall II speakers

Also using Monster Cable Z2 Reference speaker cable, Cardas micro-twin phono cable, Van Den Hul D102MKIII cable for CD, and KimberKable PBJ for the rest

Lastly, using Furman Elite 15DMi line filter/power conditioner

Look forward to hearing ideas, thanks

My first set of question would be:

Are you in need of any room treatments and/or have you installed any?

Do you have dedicated circuit breakers for your audio components?

Are you using high-grade AC outlets for your audio components?
A nice separate tube phono preamp would be a nice addition. There are many nice ones within your budget!
Work on the power side of the equation: wall, distribution/conditioning and especially power cables.
Just noticed you have two threads on the same topic. Perhaps you can delete one?