I don’t want to touch the argument about vintage vs new production DD Technics with a 10-foot pole. Nor do I even want to argue about which vintage DD turntable sounds best; all the best ones have avid supporters.
But, Raul, I wrote that my DP80, like I guess all DP80s, was made to run on 100VAC. The seller (person who sold it to me) told me he had been running it at 120VAC. In other words, he ignored the labeling on the side of the chassis. (He was in California, where some rules of nature can be broken.) He even said it was running OK on 120VAC, but it was not. There was no evidence that the power supply had been deliberately modified in any way to work at 120VAC, although that might be possible to do. In fact, I always suspected that the malfunctioning of the control IC was caused by his subjecting the turntable to excess AC voltage. So, there was nothing out of the ordinary about my DP80. I bought step-down transformers on eBay, one each for the L07D and the DP80. Oddly enough, my TT101 does have the capacity to take 120V, 100V, and maybe even 240V, by setting the primary of the power transformer. Someone else told me that there were a batch of 120V TT101s made to be sold at US military PXs in Japan, and mine might be one of those.