Morning fellow Agoners. Frank, thank you for this thread. After treating driver connections inside the speaker cab, speaker cables, power cables and assorted other places I am left with my jaw on the proverbial floor. Frank has not exaggerated his claims of this product based on my system’s net result. In my system it took a couple of days for things to settle in.
Right now the improvement is across the board. Here is a recap of what I hear for improvement ..... not change... but improvement.
- more powerful and full mid and deep bass. So much so I feel I no longer need to consider a sub
- improved body, weight and bloom to the music
- improved dynamics
- improved resolution
- far taller, wider, and filled in stage
- greater scale and ease
- smoother upper mids and highs
- stage depth is also improved
- reach out and touch you realness that is so gratifying
One word seems to sum it up best. This same word was used on this thread by another poster. Bloom. Glorious bloom. The music unfolds with improved beauty and bloom.
This is certainly a game changing tweak that should be tried by any open minded Audiophile. My Living Voice speakers sound about twice as large as they did prior to the TC tweak.
Well done Tim! Now you need to sell a half or third size so more would in fact buy it. A half size is more than what 99% of audiophiles would ever, ever need. This paste goes a long way.
Right now the improvement is across the board. Here is a recap of what I hear for improvement ..... not change... but improvement.
- more powerful and full mid and deep bass. So much so I feel I no longer need to consider a sub
- improved body, weight and bloom to the music
- improved dynamics
- improved resolution
- far taller, wider, and filled in stage
- greater scale and ease
- smoother upper mids and highs
- stage depth is also improved
- reach out and touch you realness that is so gratifying
One word seems to sum it up best. This same word was used on this thread by another poster. Bloom. Glorious bloom. The music unfolds with improved beauty and bloom.
This is certainly a game changing tweak that should be tried by any open minded Audiophile. My Living Voice speakers sound about twice as large as they did prior to the TC tweak.
Well done Tim! Now you need to sell a half or third size so more would in fact buy it. A half size is more than what 99% of audiophiles would ever, ever need. This paste goes a long way.