We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 
shadorne"I claim aim that a well designed component will be unaffected audibly by a change of fuse from one suitable fuse to another suitable fuse. This is common sense."

Invoking such a warm and fuzzy notion as "common sense" is not persuasive in a matter of scientific discussion so I propose that you conduct a scientific double blinded test to confirm your theory. Don't forget to tell us all about the test and to solicit participants here and we'll see how this pans out good luck to you!
Shadorne - your comment above is why I chose to leave AC power fuses to one side. The problem here is that fuses are being discussed in three different contexts - I think you hinted at that above:

1. DC Power Fuses
2. AC Power Fuses
3. AC Signal fuses

All audio signals are AC incitentally. Power fuses should behave the same regardless of whether the source is AC or DC, because AC power is a consistant wave i.e. 50 or 60HZ at 120 or 220v. If swapping fuses here makes a difference here, you have a problem.

AC signals vary greatly in voltage and available current, depending on what they are driving i.e. the impedence they are presented with. This is where fuses in the signal path will create all sorts of different results as the signal current approaches and recedes from the blow-point.

I’d also urge folks here to be very careful changing power fuses. They are there for a reason and the recommended fuse rating should always be used regardless of cost or what the manufacturer claims makes the fuse special.
Ah, the old “it’s common sense” argument. It’s like seeing an old friend. Unfortunately it doesn’t win debates. A tear. 😥

By the way, shadorne, what I’m actually claiming, not what you say I’m claiming, since you can’t seem to keep it straight, is that all fuses are directional, no matter where they are located. And no matter what brand of fuse is examined, including stock off the shelf fuses. All fuses are directional in both DC and AC circuits. Can I direct you the HiFi Tuning data sheets for the umpty umpth time?

I appreciate all the responses, and the effort to maintain courtesy despite strong opposition in terms of conclusions. Again, derision accomplishes little and unnecessarily alienates fellow audiophiles.

At the moment, as clearly as I can tell the tally is: 6 answers aligning more with "Gift" and 8 aligning more with "Snake Oil".

It's an interesting phenomenon that some have found only a particular fuse to win them over. If I'm not mistaken the bulk, if not all, fuses available to audiophiles are AC power fuses (But, I haven't researched all available aftermarket fuses for HiFi.) If someone has information otherwise, please correct me on this. :)

Another interesting phenomenon is that I haven't seen an instance yet of someone saying that adding too many fuses to the system was detrimental. It seems in most cases that those who agree with the efficacy of fuses are in the "more the better" camp.

Though I am not pushing the conversation in this direction, I would find it interesting to see what the breakdown is in terms of attitude toward fuses and attitude toward cables. I suspect that most who have tried fuses have found aftermarket cables efficacious, and most who feel fuses are snake oil have stayed with lower cost cables and or stock cables. It would seem to me that the two activities would hang together. We might also see a wide variance in total system cost as regards fuses. I would not be surprised to see systems in the $15K+ category using aftermarket fuses, while those in the $2-10K category would not. Imo, that has no bearing on the efficacy of fuses, but says more about the attitudes about it.

Thank you to all who have participated; I hope we see many more tallying up their experiences and opinions. :)