Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?

Have you ever noticed the same brands of equipment and speaker manufacturers being debated over and over again in most threads ? I am curious what are some of the most little know speakers deserving mention you have heard ? With the lone caveat that they must still be currently in production.

I am curious to hear from some of the more research oriented audiophiles like myself. Those who don't just buy it because someone else liked it but listen for them selves.

Remember this hobbie is allot like choosing a mate there are no wrong choices as long as it works for you and suits your personal taste !
definitive All kinds of sizes for different rooms and parts for old Epicure (EPI) and Genesis speakers.

A lot of good info and reading material.
=>=>=>=>=> INTUITIVE DESIGN SUMMITS <=<=<=<=<=
=>=>=>=>=> INTUITIVE DESIGN SUMMITS <=<=<=<=<=
=>=>=>=>=> INTUITIVE DESIGN SUMMITS <=<=<=<=<=

Thank you for FINALLY asking!!! I am NOT an easy to satisfy customer when it comes to loudspeakers!! You can ask Duane, who posted above. I never pulled the trigger with him for YEARS (except for a 4K car audio system with ADS two ways in the front). He has had Hales, Dunlavy's (SC IV), Totem Tabu, etc. He finally sold to me a loudspeaker (after I had just a few months earlier bought Paradigm Studio 100 V 3's, which are a pretty darn good speaker) the Intuitive Design Summits: After hearing them I became upset, and finally had to have the Summits. My wife was appalled.

They are SO good, that I felt OBLIGATED to write a review, and was NOT asked to do so, either by him or by Dale Pitcher. The review sounds waaayyy over the top, as if it were written by some high school kid who'd never heard good speakers before, and if I were reading it I'd probably be rolling my eyes, but I swear to you, every last word--every last stinking word!!!--is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I actually called Dale Pitcher and ASKED HIM WHY HE HAD PRICED THESE SO LOW, RELATIVE TO THEIR PHENOMENAL PERFORMANCE. He stated that his company had decided to price them based on production costs rather than what the market will bear. That is true integrity.

I've been posting like a madman at every opportunity on this site to maybe prompt even ONE PERSON--somewhere in the United States--to at least give these things a LISTEN.

If anybody thinks I'm shilling, send me an affadavit. I'll sign it. Duane is right about the Summits. I tend to shy away from generalized superlatives in high end audio parlance, simply because I have not personally listened to everything. Duane, on the other hand, is much, much closer to that status.

My only complaint about the sales experience I had with Duane is that he undersold them to me. I already told him that, and he just gave me his famous smile.
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The Usher RW-729. I have been using for about six months and love everything they do. My MG1.6QR are now collecting dust. Very smooth with great imaging and soundstaging. They also have a fair amount of bass for monitors. I thought that my opinion was biased until several other audio lovers with more expensive systems came over to listen and they were really impressed.