Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?

Have you ever noticed the same brands of equipment and speaker manufacturers being debated over and over again in most threads ? I am curious what are some of the most little know speakers deserving mention you have heard ? With the lone caveat that they must still be currently in production.

I am curious to hear from some of the more research oriented audiophiles like myself. Those who don't just buy it because someone else liked it but listen for them selves.

Remember this hobbie is allot like choosing a mate there are no wrong choices as long as it works for you and suits your personal taste !
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The Usher RW-729. I have been using for about six months and love everything they do. My MG1.6QR are now collecting dust. Very smooth with great imaging and soundstaging. They also have a fair amount of bass for monitors. I thought that my opinion was biased until several other audio lovers with more expensive systems came over to listen and they were really impressed.

The best strategy is to contact Intuitive Design, either by phone or via email. If you email, put something about wanting to audition the Summits in the subject line, so that they don't think it's spam.

Personal anecdote, optional reading--->{{{{{I firmly believe that a person should listen to speakers, if at all possible, before purchase. For all you know, I'm an idiot with a tin ear. I remember a certain speaker that looked great on paper and which has garnered lots of positive reviews, even here on Audiogon, where you'd think people would know better. I went to listen to these "flagship" speakers and really thought they stunk, plus they were expensive. Perhaps not good ones to listen to after auditioning the Audio Physic Calderas (the OLD ones, NOT the new ones), but I thought they were horrible, not even close to the Paradigm 9 SE's that I owned at the time. So, the point is to listen first, at least for stuff that's expensive, although sometimes it's possible to get lucky, like I did with the Dodson 217 Mark 2 D DAC, which I didn't audition first.}}}}
Not sure if these are undiscovered
Here's my list

Peak Consult Speakers empress
Jim Salk veracity q1
Tonian Acoustics TL M1 NFSM monitor
Rethm speakers second and the third
Most any kit based speaker from any of the reputable small, single owner companies out there who work out of their garage or small work/store space. Best bang for the buck for sure. Some are truely giant killers.
