Vintage Carver

Anyone still using Carver, if so how old and have you done any work to them such as recapping ?

I have a Carver M1.0T MK II with Opt 002. It's been about four years since I had it upgraded and have had no problem. Know Carver doesn't get much praise but it works for me.    
Thanks for the replys, I have a C-2 pre amp and two M400-t I run mono into Ohm Walsh 2's.

To this day it still sounds great, however at 36 years old I am sure the caps are beyond their life. I have considered a recap but then think why if it's still performing well..

Anyone else ?
Rolland assures me that each of my freshly rebuilt amps could go toe to toe with any $2k-3k amp on the market today and these will blow them out of the water. I haven’t had the chance to actually test that theory, however, I do believe him.

You bet, just look at what their asking for old Carver gear on Ebay..

I recently had them fully recapped and serviced by Rolland @ HiTech
Audio in southern WA
Are you talking about Carver audio repair ?
I am using my early 90’s Carver now retired as my second system. I have a HR742 receiver used as a preamp, two A500x amps in bridged mono, sda 490t cd with Cambridge Soundworks Tower I speakers and monster cable 90’s cables. I have done no service to these items other than cleaning and they sound great considering their age and original cost.