why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
Uh, neither one of your new “evidence” are court cases, either. More fake news. What’s next, natural food? 🍔 The Teleportation Tweak? UFOs? Ghosts? 👻
Not court cases, but effectively with the power of a court. Typically, in Europe the state tries to leave such things to the self regulation of an industry (in this case the advertising industry). If the industry fails to clean up a sector from misleading and deceptive practices, the state will step in. Here in the Netherlands, that has led to very expensive court cases for banks, for example.
So, aside from the technicalities that I had not remembered quite correctly, society has acted against these crooks.
I think exotic/expensive audio cables and the misleading advertising about them have not gotten much (legal) attention because so few people actually buy them. That is because, in my opinion, few believe the hype and even fewer want to spend more money than makes sense for system connects.

Quite frankly, over-priced audio cables are of so little importance, in the scheme of things, and only used by the few that are unable to readily identify the marketing as mere misleading hype, they don’t really pose a "truth in advertising" threat to the masses.

Oh...and watch this...🍔🍟🏈🎯🥇 😋 I’m so cool!
Sure, plus the buyers usually do not belong to the destitute classes, so there is little sympathy for the victims. There are indeed more important things for society to worry about.
dynaquest403-15-2018 9:21am
I think exotic/expensive audio cables and the misleading advertising about them have not gotten much (legal) attention because so few people actually buy them.
There is actually a whole industry base on high-end cables - pick up any audio magazine and you'll see the expensive ads. Some of the critics of this industry have even called it a "lucrative" business. So I think the reason that it hasn't attracted legal attention is that the critics have no case, or a very weak case.