FM Antennas For Old School Tuner?

I got a Yamaha CT-810 Tuner included in when I bought a Yamaha Ca-810 Integrated recently. It looks nice on my rack along with my other vintage Yamaha gear but It's not even hooked up. I don't really listen to FM radio much at all but thought it would be nice to at least utilize the tuner occasionally.  Any decent inexpensive antenna possibilities to match up with a tuner such as this?  Thanks. 
Thanks for the responses. Lak, no rod attached. Swamp, looking at staying indoor. X, that's good! Never thought of that. Most likely will not attempt it though. 
Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna is the best indoor antenna and can be used outdoor as well.  I have tried them all, the Terk powered, Godar, etc and this one constantly pulls in the station.
That rod is one type of antenna, give it a try and see how your reception is!
lak2,925 posts03-15-2018 7:49pm
That rod is one type of antenna, give it a try ...
The rod is for AM, not FM.