scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
...  those who purport to hear a difference when they reverse their speaker wire really ought to perform their own blind testing (of course with the assistance of a trusted friend).
That's pretty silly. Those who have reversed their speaker wire are probably happy with the result - they have no need to test it for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy performing double-blind tests - go for it! Please post results here.

The notion to engage a "trusted friend" in the test is also ill-advised, because it can only taint the process. Plus, if you're going to rely on a friend for help, you'll need two. After all, you want this to be double-blind, correct? A much, much better approach is to employ an abx test and with the right equipment, no assistant is required.

I've long found it interesting that so many who clamor for others to conduct double-blind tests actually don't know how to properly conduct such a test.

......After all, you want this to be double-blind, correct? A much, much better approach is to employ an abx test and with the right equipment, no assistant is required. I’ve long found it interesting that so many who clamor for others to conduct double-blind tests actually don’t know how to properly conduct such a test.


Seems to me you’re skirting the issue. Regardless of the type of test or however conducted, the spirit in what I’m suggesting to those who purport to hear a difference is that *they* should take it upon themselves to validate what they believe, even if simply for their own confirmation. In other words, the only one that ultimately stands to benefit or gain an additional level of satisfaction would be the one making the claim that they can hear a difference, not the one who claims they cannot.
Seems to me you're skirting the issue.
Just the opposite is the case! You've proposed a test that would produce invalid or unreliable results because it isn't double-blind.

Regardless of the type of test or however conducted, the spirit in what I'm suggesting to those who purport to hear a difference is that *they* should take it upon themselves to validate what they believe
Double-blind testing is time-consuming and tedious. Audiophiles who are happy with their systems have no incentive to undertake such testing. It's great if you want to validate your beliefs and if you undertake such a test, please share the details with us.

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I appreciate your contacting me via PM. I believe it fair to write that you and I are at an impasse. Your refusal to skype first and foremost and insistence that we publicize here on the forum what in my view is personal means that we have “irreconcilable differences”. I thank you for your interest.