scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?

Actually we (you and I) were doing fairly well in the very beginnings.

Only after I mentioned (privately) that my rationale for having to skype first is because seeing and hearing you lends additional credibility to the authenticity of your interest did things go awry. I went further to add that for all I know, and I’m not saying or implying you are, nevertheless it is a theoretical possibility, you could be a 14 year old school girl without the financial means and/or legal authority to enter into any agreement.

I’ll leave it for the court of public opinion to decide who means business, and speculate as to why you refuse to skype even after I posted my skype ID, and politely asked you to communicate.
gdhal"I’ll leave it for the court of public opinion to decide who means business"
Of course you will leave it to the court of public opinion that is exactly why I insisted from the beginning that all discussions regarding your "challenge" be conducted publically in this forum where you first proposed your "challenge" and not in secret except for those matters that are truly appropriate and proper to keep confidential such as account numbers and like matters. Anytime you want to resurrect your "challenge" please feel free to offer it again in public and I will accept provided that it remain in public which is what I insisted on from the beginning for reasons which I stated and if you do that I hope you will first research how a proper double-blinded test must be conducted so that we don't have to waste time resolving that issue first because as others have pointed out it is clear you do not understand proper double-blinded test protocols and methodologies.
>>>>Uh, hey, guys, the reason the differences don’t show up in blind tests is the same reason that Randi NEVER lost a Million Dollar bet.

Uh, hey Geoff, the reason reversing speaker wire doesn't show up in a blind test is because there is no audible difference.
... the reason reversing speaker wire doesn't show up in a blind test is because there is no audible difference.
Have you actually confirmed this by conducting a double-blind test? If so, please tell us how you conducted the test. Or ... are you just speculating?

Of course you will leave it to the court of public opinion that is exactly why I insisted from the beginning that all discussions regarding your "challenge" be conducted publically in this forum where you first proposed your "challenge" and not in secret except for those matters that are truly appropriate and proper to keep confidential such as account numbers and like matters.


Of course my challenge was posted in public on this forum. How else would I obtain the proverbial "sucker born every minute"?

Because the challenge was made publicly doesn’t mean that once engaged any other matters are public.

It’s apparent you and I cannot agree on even the most basic elements of my challenge. Imagine if you and I attempted to formulate any details. Not sure you would ever undertake my challenge in my lifetime.