Any movie could be transferred to a HD format. Movie film is a photograpghic format. It can be chopped up and digitized at whatever digital resolution is available.
The question is: "does it make economic sense for the owners of the film to release it in an HD format? How many incremetal sales will they get by spending the money required to release the film in HD?"
Another question might be:"does the general public really want older movies in HD once they see all of the defects that are now visible because of the enhanced resolution?" Heck, in The Martix from 1999 you can see the guide wires holding Reeves from falling onto the tracks in the subway scene. Would seeing all of the tricks actually take away from the movie experience?
The question is: "does it make economic sense for the owners of the film to release it in an HD format? How many incremetal sales will they get by spending the money required to release the film in HD?"
Another question might be:"does the general public really want older movies in HD once they see all of the defects that are now visible because of the enhanced resolution?" Heck, in The Martix from 1999 you can see the guide wires holding Reeves from falling onto the tracks in the subway scene. Would seeing all of the tricks actually take away from the movie experience?