Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?

are there any owners out here. setup tips , wire, amps. thanks Greg
i have a pair of skylan two post stands as well.  What are the dimensions of your top plates on the stand?  Do the VLRs fit nicely?
Gary, my top plate is 8” wide by 10” deep.  The VLR sit on them very nicely.  Just right for me.  I’m sure there are “better stands”, but I really like the Skylan.  Great bang for the buck I believe.  I have the two posts filled with kitty litter.  Yes, I inherited my mom’s 🐱 lol.  Looks nice too.  Keep us posted.

Hi Drumsgreg - that is interesting you have both VLR and 2CE sig II. I don't have any issues with wife factor since the potential speakers would go in my man cave which is 12 by 20 ft or so.  So I could find a used pair of 2 CE sig 2 for under $2,000 or new VLRs with stands for about under $2,000 as well - so same price point. 

Given no issues with WAF or size limitations, if you had to pick either the VLRs or the 2CE in your drum room (your larger room) which would you pick? 

Yes Gary.....I think yours may look even better as you’ll have some overhang of the speaker’s bottom.  I think they’ll work great.  Got my Lil Vandys in box with full warranty.  Saved some $ this way.  If you’ve no local dealer, look to Audio Connection or Music Direct.  No relationship with either.  Just happy customer of both........  What electronics will you use?

dont forget the mighty 1ci
i bought a returned pair ( customer upgraded to Treo CT ) for my “ therapy”  room aka hunting/fishing work room....

i did listen hard to the VLR and it is a tough choice....i store a bunch of radial diffusers ( aka fishing rods ) in the corners and did not want stands to tip over....

i am still tweaking the setup but so far settling in

Denon table w Grado Ref Sonata into Dynavector P75 mk4 into McIntosh MX-110Z into McIntosh MC240 out to Audioquest Type 6 shotgun...

the alternate is NAIM Atom as preamp with a Synology NAS serving up CD quality wav files....

pretty fine...

pretty fine...