Classic Over-reaction!

So today I was listening to a new vintage LP that had just arrived. And when I switched cables from my phono stage to my Hegel 160 integrated - just to note sonic differences between cables -- I noticed that all of a sudden - for the first time - a noticeable hum was emanating from the Hegel’s transformer.

Crap. What now?

I switched back to the original cables. Nothing. The hum was still there.

I tried different tubes in the phono stage. Nothing. The hum was still there.

I unplugged the Hegel from the wall outlet and plugged it into the power strip. Nothing. The hum was still there. I switched everything off in despair and moped upstairs for dinner.

Where I noticed the toaster oven was on. Hmmm. A few minutes later the toaster oven dinged and turned off and I went downstairs, turned the Hegel on, and the hum was gone.


I would add a power condition for your toaster. The hum should get a lot more musical.
KellyAnn Conway knows what she's talking about.  Unplug the toaster permanently.  But be careful to approach it from its blind side, so it can't see you going for the wall socket.
Years ago, I had a B&K power amp that did the same thing when the TV was on in another room. The fix was to make sure the TV was off while I was listening to my system. To my wife's angst....
I added a second toaster and wired it out of phase in a quasi balanced arrangement with XLR,  no HUM.