scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
“People would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little.”

- P. T. Barnum
One assumes you’re speaking for yourself. I remember very clearly what I heard yesterday. And the day before. And last week. And last year. I always considered limited audio memory to be an old wives tale.
All the more reason not to accept blind tests, uh, blindly. There is no reason why ANY blind test protocol should be considered above all others as being infallible.
Of course. That’s part of why I think blind testing has very little value to most audiophiles.

What’s interesting about this thread about blind testing is that its noisiest advocates aren’t scientists, cite special exemption from blind testing for their claims, and don’t even understand proper testing protocols. One of them is staying one step ahead of the moderators and is still trying to hustle his $25,000 scam "challenge."
Yes, what’s also fascinating is the blind test advocates or dogmatists whatever have obviously made their minds up already, without even waiting for the test. I mean, come on people! Hel-loo!

If it doesn’t make sense it’s not true. - Judge Judy