Hegel H30 or Bryston 7B3 monos

Looking for system synergy and absolute control of my Magico S5 Mk1. Currently using a Vinnie Rossi Lio Preamp (avc tubestage) and Levinson 512 cd/Sacd player.  The S5 seem to enjoy power and I want 3d sound with depth, wide soundstage and detail.  Currently have Levinson 436 monoblocks that are very good-clean sound, but I bought it when I was using a Levinson 326s preamp which I no longer have and I lost some of the magic they had together.  I like my Vinnie Rossi and have no plans of changing preamps.  I know Hegel is used at audio shows with Magicos and Hegel uses Magicos in their listening room, but I prefer Monoblocks and the Brystons are less expensive at this time (and Canadian made, and 20 warranty, and 600w each).  If I go the Hegel route I would have to buy one H30 now (use as stereo) and then save for a second H30.  Any help?
I received an email from Hegel regarding the H30 ability to drive 4 ohm speakers.  His reply is they push about 2000 watts into 4ohm when used as a monoblocks.  

Hi Rob


Thanks for your email.


In 4 ohms about 2000watts.  


Med vennlig hilsen/Best regards

Hegel Music System AS



Fredrik Johnsen


Tlf: +47 22 60 56 60

Post removed 
If you are looking for power, dynamics and control, it might be worth looking into the EC Nemo monoblocks.  They put out 1,200 wpc at 4 ohms and can drive your Magicos very well.  They are also black (with a thick, clear acrylic face plate). 
Elizabeth, that definitely causes me to lean toward the H30.  Looks like I missed a couple that were recently for sale. One left that I see.  I would have to sell what I have...
but I had a really enjoyable listening session last night with my existing equipment.  Might hang tight for now.  Ill try to listen to Bryston and Hegel at Axpona in about a month.

There are a lot of Bryston B cubed series for sale on the used market right now.  Not sure if that has any implication on their performance
theothergreg- Thanks for the recommendation.  The Nemo is a beast.
 From Stereophile 2000:
The discrete clipping measurements (1% THD+noise, 1kHz) indicated a power output of 757W (28.8dBW) into 8 ohms, and 1145W (27.6dBW) into 4 ohms (the power line dropped from 115V to 112V during this test).
Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/electrocompaniet-nemo-monoblock-power-amplifier-measurements#06U...