Dedicated Home Theater/Listening Room Suggestions

Just curious to know if anyone would like to share their experiences with wiring and designing a dedicated listing room for 2 channel as well as home theater. I will soon be moving into a new home where I currently have a dedicated listening room roughing out in the basement.

A few questions that come to mind are; Is it worth running separate power circuits for power amps and digital sources from the panel? Anyone know of any info online that maybe of value to this project? What should I use on the ceiling?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Personally, I think you will need multiple circuits run just due to the requirements of you amps. You will be using some kind of line conditioner anyway. Also, I would put a whole house surge protector in your box. It won't replace the conditioner/surge for your gear but will help block the big stuff like lightning.
Also, run extra Cat5 everywhere that you pull wire-future proofing is great. Just leave it inside the walls.
My ceiling bites, so don't take my advice there. Much of the soundproofing does NOT meet residential fire code for ceilings.
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