What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
"Forget about it.
When Forever's over I won't remember
How I loved you anymore."

Robert Lee Castleman as sung by Alison Krauss.
"She asked me why the singers name was Alice, I said listen baby you really wouldn't understand"  ~ AC
Like a little SyFi in your lyrics.........?

Cloud Cult - "The Mission: Unexplainable Stories"

We've been searching for our whole lives.
And we have traveled through unexplainable stories.
Swear to God I fought the good fight,
always waiting for the coming of morning.
I heard the Captain say, I heard the Captain say,
"The more I know, the less I'm knowing."
I heard the Captain say, I heard the Captain say,
"Activate your force-fields and just keep going..."
Continuing in the sci-fi vein:

"Now the Klingons they came last night
and they repossessed by van.
My Cerrilian brandy's all used up;
this is my very last can!
But I ain't givin' up
cause I still have a plan!

Beam me up, Scotty, beam me aboard!
I'm just a poor old Trekkie
In a world I can't afford.
All my life supports have failed,
all the mother ships have sailed.
Beam me up, Scotty, beam me up. 

Jake Holmes