Best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy

Hello Friends,

Would anyone help me what is the best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy.(exculde Lamm and under $10.000.00 new)

How about Cary 805ae and Melody pm845?

Please let us know your impressions. I've had my eye on the deHavilland gear, especially the 30 watt amps. Thanks.
be warned-low power amps work great with the puppies will end up replacing the resistors in the protection circuit  more than you would like-


Best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy

How about Cary 805ae and Melody pm845?


No, these SE's tubes won't drive the 7's impedance in the bass. They may sound ok in the mids and highs. 

The 7's are the best of all the Watt/puppy's, but also hard to drive in the bass to get the very best out of.
You need an amp that is very happy to see a 2ohm load at bass frequencies and power levels, usually a solid state amp domain.
From Stereophile:
" The Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 7's  However, also like its predecessor, it will need a good high-current amplifier before it can be driven to satisfying levels. Its impedance drops to 2.4 ohms at 78Hz and remains below 6 ohms for much of the region where music has its maximum energy (fig.1). In addition, an impedance of 4 ohms at 59Hz is associated with an electrical phase angle of -34 degrees, which will add to the drive difficulty.

Cheers George

George, you know this is a zombie thread, right?

You have the best sayings Ralph, zombie thread, expectation bias ect you should write a book on sayings.

At first I thought you meant they were all zombies and can’t read graphs.
Now I see that the thread is 2008 old, then my post is directed just at the last poster.

Cheers George