TT mats

I have a VPI Scoutmaster TT and am wondering if any of you can recommend a matt for the platter and why?
Thanks in advance

Probably some of you might have seen it already, but intresting to see that cork mats where preffered at Fremmer,s listeng files shootout. Even over the Boston Mat.
I have found that at least with the 1200G the Boston Audio Design mat sounds better upside down with the Stillpoints LPI.  FWIW
@enginerd1960 i think the spindle is too short to place a mat on top of the rubber mat on most of the turntables, but it is possible on SP-10mkII 

I think using Isodamp between the platter and a stiff mat would work well

There is various thickness available . The SP10MK 2 has a long spindle

enginedr1960, I'm not an engineer.  Which thickness of Isodamp would you suggest?

Also I trust your moniker has personal meaning and is not an example of poor spelling attributed to engineers in general.  ;^)