Primaluna Dialogue poremium, Rogue Cronus Magnum II or Jolida 801...who can advise me?

So good morning all..
I am a novice to tubes and an old guy as far as Solid State goes. I am taking the plunge into tubes and planning on an integrated amp.
Currently I have a close to 30 year old set of Paradigm Export Monitors that I bought new many years ago and still are in awesome shape, with a sensitivity around 89dB, but am planning on a set of Tekton Design Lore speakers at 98 dB....I listen primarily to vinyl and although I have heard the PL recently in southern NH at Audio Video Therapy, I like the pricing of the Rogue better and the fact it has both a headphone amp and a Phono stage built in. Who has experience with both and what are our thoughts? And just for entertainment purposes, I also am considering the Jolida 801 Integrated....

The one possible concern seems to be QC and reliability with PL.  While the great majority of owners report no problems whatsoever, there are some others who've had to return theirs for repair more than once.  Whether this percentage is above or below overall industry norms is impossible to say.  But I don't get the same sense with Rogue.

@twoleftears - I just bought my second PL Dialogue Premium HP amplifier so that I can run them as monoblock's. I haven't had one issue with my PL preamp or amp and if I did I'm certain my awesome retailer Upscale Audio would take care of me. All manufacturers have some issues, I use to own amps from Audio Research that cost 12K and I had to have the transformer replaced 3 months in due to a noticeable humming sound. It happens! Buy PL and be happy for lifetime. Easy listening.


Hi.. I can relate my climb up the amp scale. I started with a Rogue Cronus Magnum..enjoyed it. Then upgraded to the Rouge Pharaoh.. the Pharaoh was far & away superior in every way. Then I was fortunate enough to upgrade again to the Prima Luna Dialogue Premium (not the hp version) Once again I gained a significant improvement in every way imaginable. IMO the PL is far superior to the Rogue Cronus Magnum. ... all three amps were used driving Maggie 1.7s and also occasionally used to drive some Revel m20s. So power is not an issue to be concerned with. Good luck!
Last thought you may find helpful. I used the Rogue Cronus Magnum trouble free for a year.. I’ve now been using the Prima Luna absolutely trouble free for just over two years. PL was point to point wiring, Rogue a circuit board. But both heavy well built. My amps see daily use. 
I have the PL HP and love it. No muss no fuss. I would also highly suggest the KT150's... soundstage, imaging, power, extended sweet highs, bass response, and midrange to die for.